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The Royal Blues 

"The Royal Blues" Dance Company is the headlining performance group of Blue Rose Performing Arts. These award winning dancers attend dance competitions, they do public performances for the community, and they are the stars of our big dance concerts "Christmas Soundsational" and "Everything's Coming Up Roses". The group is made up of  dancers aging from as young as 10 years old to adults in their 20s or older.


The Royal Blues dance troop divides into different groups. This way our students can rehearse with dancers their own age, but also have the opportunity to rehearse in classes with older and more experienced performers. Company members train in Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Contemporary, Lyrical, Hip Hop, and Power Pom. We believe our members should be well rounded in all styles. 


Our signature look of the Blue boots and poms was designed by Allison Guzman. This look has made our brand standout from other studios. Our mission is to make our dancers well known throughout more than just our community. We want the world to see our dancers in the Blue Boots!

Sr. Company

The Sr. company's dancers range from as young as 12 years old, depending on skills and performance level. This is mainly a group for our teens and adult dancers. These dancers rehearse many styles including; Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Power Pom, and more. The Sr. company is the leading and headlining group for every Blue Rose event. These are the dancers that set the standards, and specific Blue Rose styles. The Blue Rose Sr. company has won many awards at competitions and continues to do so. 

Jr. Company

The Jr. company's dancers are the 10-14 year olds who are ready to shine to the public. These dancers also have the amazing opportunities to practice many styles in class, but also have the chance to rehearse with dancers who are older and more experienced. The Jr. company is also an award winning group that accompanies the Sr. company in big events. 


Minis are students ages 6-10 years old, based on skills and performance level. This group's rehearsals gets them ready to be a Jr. dancer. These dancers begin to focus more on technique and style. Jazz, Ballet, Tap, and Acrobatics are continued in this class, while introducing Hip Hop and Lyrical. The mini performers have the opportunity to be in all 4 of Blue Rose's productions throughout the year. 


Rosebuds is our youngest company for dancers ages 3-6. These classes focus on the introduction to dance which includes; Jazz, Ballet, Tap, and Acrobatics. Our rosebud performers have the opportunity to perform in all 4 productions throughout the dance year. 

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